Truth be told: One minute less of daylight each day doesn’t make the days seem any shorter if you’re working long hours or have daily evening plans, you won’t likely notice the winter solstice.

Nevertheless, if you’re sensitive or have any mental health condition, you’d be impacted by every minor change around you. And talking about the first day of winter, the factors including the moon’s distance, the wind’s direction, the lightning, and the star alignment – they all impact how you feel.

So, being a sensitive person, if you’re wondering if the winter solstice will affect your mood – it will! It surely will!

The winter solstice, or the shortest day of the year, will occur on Wednesday, December 21st when the sun will be directly overhead the Tropic of Capricorn. You’re probably concerned about how you’ll feel because it’s darker than any other day of the year, but,

The good news is that the winter solstice will make you feel happy in the longer run.

Seasonal Affective Disorder:
Recognizing the Winter Blues Correctly

One minute less in the day shouldn’t bother you because you are already accustomed to the sky turning grey by 4:15 PM. But what you think of as winter blues, might be more than that! It could be something else if you’ve been experiencing severely low energy levels, heaviness and tiredness, or uncontrollable irritability over the past few weeks. Due to unfavourable weather, a lack of vitamin D, and/or stressors associated with the holidays, most of us have a simple case of the winter blues. However, some people get SAD (or seasonal affective disorder), which they confuse with winter blues or holiday blues.

Seasonal affective disorder is a subtype of clinical depression and classifies as a short-run psychological imbalance. For those with SAD, the absence of sunlight causes a reduction in serotonin and melatonin levels in the brain, affecting mood and sleep habits, thus, making the winter intolerable.

Dear Winter Solstice, Spring Is Just Around the Corner!

Oversleeping, trouble concentrating, a change in appetite, fatigue, agitation, despair, sadness and anxiety are some typical symptoms of seasonal affective disorder. But there’s nothing to worry about! Many non-prescription therapeutic approaches can aid in raising the brain’s serotonin and melatonin levels.

Book an appointment with our mental health professional immediately if you believe you may have the seasonal affective disorder (or SAD)!

Winter Victory: Small Steps to Bigger Things

If you’re curious about the effects of the solstice, keep in mind that the winter solstice signals the end of a dark dip and the start of a brightness curve. Things that have been psychologically valid and helpful during this time of the year include:

  1. You can easily establish objectives and goals to fulfil the summer solstice by reflecting on this year’s winter solstice
  2. Winter solstice provides everyone with a great opportunity to reflect on our limits and how our lives are organised
  3. This time of the year makes it simpler for us to focus our energies on important projects and plan for the coming year
  4. Since it’s the year-end, you can perform some meditation and start formulating your next course of action
  5. You can review the past year and your course of action in it to make sure you’re leading the greatest life possible

Winter Solstice: Chase the Brighter Tomorrow!

Even though you will lose a minute on December 21st, try to find a minute to think back on the last year, plan for the future, and assess your progress. That’s the way to living a healthier and wholesome life! It’s always a good idea to check in with yourself, think about your intentions and goals, and make sure you’re focusing your energy on the right things.

The winter solstice will make you feel better if you give it a chance. Let Concise Medico help you if you feel like the winter has already affected your mood and it doesn’t fall under the category of winter blues!

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