HCPC, the Health and Care Professionals Council, was established to secure public healthcare rights by ensuring all clinical scientists adhere to healthcare standards.

It is an independent professional regulatory body operating in the United Kingdom to maintain healthcare professionals’ standards.

Benefits of Health and Care Professionals Council (HCPC)

Health and Care Professionals Council, HCPC verifies and screens all health professionals before adding them to their registers. Thus, anyone trained outside the UK would be screened to see if he has met the same standards. Although HCPC-registered psychologists are regulated in groups, HCPC can easily expand the roles available to them because HCPC is:

  1. An independent, national professional regulatory body which sets and maintains healthcare standards in the UK
  2. Establishes the standards for education, conduct, and competencies for healthcare professionals in the UK
  3. Responsible for the expansion of the roles and wellbeing of HCPC-registered psychologists and other professionals

What Are the Benefits of HCPC-Registered Psychologists?

Health and Care Professionals Council, HCPC aims to safeguard the healthcare rights of the general public. Therefore, healthcare professionals must be HCPC-registered to legally work in the UK and use protected titles, including clinical scientists, psychologists, etc.

Being an HCPC-registered psychologist has its advantages. We have compiled the unique competitive advantages of our HCPC-registered psychologists:

  1. The right to independently practise as a “Clinical Scientist” or “Biomedical Scientist” in the UK
  2. They have protected, preserved and maintained titles and professional standards
  3. They adhere to patient safety because HCPC can take action if registered professionals do not adhere to the necessary standards
  4. Uphold standards of instruction, competence, and conduct and gives patients, employers, and the general public confidence
  5. HCPC aids the creation of uniform healthcare standards for all Healthcare procedures and practices

Fulfiling Your Health and Care Professionals Council Requirements

Employers may preferentially provide funding for training where it is necessary to fulfil HCPC requirements. Similarly, psychologists and healthcare professionals’ participation in CPD activities is a requirement for HCPC registration. Thus, by using HCPC-protected titles for healthcare practices, healthcare professionals can easily enjoy the increase of:

  1. Recognition and trust
  2. Patient confidence
  3. Patient safety

Concise Medico: The Largest HCPC-Registered Psychologists Panel!

The banding structure of some trusts and specialities now includes HCPC registration, and we align with it! Therefore, being registered with HCPC is one of our top qualifying merits. The Health and Care Professionals Council governs health and care professionals in the United Kingdom. They establish standards, maintain a register, guarantee the quality of education, and look into complaints.

So, if you are an HCPC-registered clinical scientist or a psychologist, get on board with us! This is your chance to share your experience with the world, expand your reputation and change lives for a better tomorrow.

But we’d like to know about your unique skills, strengths and specialities to connect you with cases perfectly aligned with your skillset and expertise. So, please get in touch with us and share your details via email at [email protected] or call us at (01282) 786 185.

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